Friday, January 21, 2011


In a kitchen, everyone is accountable. It doesn't matter where in the food chain you are. If you screw up, you get reamed. One of my bosses does the ordering for supplies and food. The past two times he's ordered, he's gotten gloves that are too small for anyone in the kitchen. One perk of my job is being able to yell at my boss. One of the owners came into the restaurant and walked into me handing my boss a glove, asking if he can get into the ones "he stole from the oompa-loompas store room" and asked if "the supply company was based in the land of Oz, cus only a fucking munchkin could wear these."

Once they stopped pissing themselves with laughter, my boss, T, ordered a case of large gloves. Problem solved.

Lunch today: Wagyu on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and wasabi aioli


  1. the oompa-loompas have a store room?...can you imagine what they have in there?..besides tiny gloves anyway..CHOCOLATE.
    I'm from Texas..what the hell is a wagyu?

  2. Wagyu is the name for the breed of beef known as Kobe, but not from Japan. It's the local grown cousin. They have them in Texas too. Anything in North America that is a massaged swill heard (raised on beer and whiskey grain) resembling Kobe beef is called Wagyu.
