Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Spent the weekend with my girlfriend. She never buys bacon because she's afraid of eating the whole thing by herself. Apparently love means sharing a rasher of bacon.

Bacon seems to be one of the foods where everyone has a different opinion on how to cook it. Render it slowly and turn only once, keep it moving on high heat, layer it and bake it, I've seen it cooked dozens of ways, once with a propane torch, and it all just seems the same. add heat, rotate until white foam appears, dry, serve. it's all good.

pork belly, sugar, salt, pink peppercorns, thyme, zip lock bags, smoking wood ( apple or cherry),

  • trim the pork belly to size
  • combine equal parts salt and sugar, a handful of pink peppercorns, and a bunch of thyme for cure
  • pack on cure heavily and evenly on pork belly
  • place in zip lock bags and refridgerate
  • turn over once daily for 12 days
  • smoke at 180* for 6 hours

1 comment:

  1. my favorite word. bacon..I haven't had sex in 25 years, but you wave bacon in front of me? and I'm yours.
